Treatment for Gynecologic Conditions in Newport Beach

Treatment for Women in Orange County

Gynecologic Conditions Treated

Fibroid Uterus (Benign tumors inside the uterus)

These are noncancerous growths in the uterus that can result in heavy menstrual bleeding, lengthy periods, and possible pelvic pain.

Ovarian Cysts (Dermoid cysts, Endometrioma,…)

May be a solid or fluid-filled sac that forms either within the ovary or on the surface of an ovary, causing some menstrual irregularities in some situations, as well as irregular bowel movements.

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

This irregular uterine bleeding may result from hormone imbalance, medical disease, pregnancy, or other conditions.

Post Menopausal Bleeding

This type of bleeding may, in some cases, be caused by endometrial cancer, hormone issues, infection of the uterus / cervix, or as a result of medication use.

Vaginal Dryness

This condition is often caused by hormonal changes, irritants, and various other issues, resulting in discomfort, as well as painful intercourse.

Vaginal Laxity

Numerous factors, including childbirth, medical conditions, and aging, can all impact the collagen levels found in the skin and tissue in the vagina, resulting in a feeling of looseness.

Dyspareunia (Painful intercourse)

Resulting in painful intercourse / sex, dyspareunia may be caused by external genitalia pain, deeper pelvis pain and pressure, inflammation, and various other factors.
